
Life in America Edit

After I received some in class constructive criticism I wanted to re-edit my Life in America project. Some of the things I fixed is the transitions, image glitches, and the fading out of the sound at the end. One idea Clayton mentioned is having nature and industry on separate sides of the screen; I wanted to emphasize that more and tried to do so by keeping them separate.

There are still things I would like to try and work with for this project. Better and longer time lapses to better imitate Baraka, and the use of a tripod. The only times I used a tripod for the 10 shoots is at Two Trees. Somewhere along the way I could like to try do this project again on my own time. This would mean with an timer and those run for about $135 at the cheapest.

Here embedded in the blog is the medium format video:

Online Videos by Veoh.com

The large format can be seen here:
Life In America Large Format